Wednesday 25 November 2015

Top Electrical Engineering Schools in 2016

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This year QS World University Rankings by Subject has been extended to feature more institutions than ever before – and this includes an extension of the electrical engineering ranking to cover the world’s top 300 electrical engineering schools.

The QS World University Rankings by Subject is compiled annually, using a methodology which draws on major global surveys of academics and employers, alongside research citations data.
Read on for a rundown of the leadingelectrical engineering schoolsin each world region, or, clickhere to access the full interactive ranking table.
Top 10 Electrical Engineering Schools in the World
Based on the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2015
Name of Institution
United States
United States
United States
United Kingdom
United Kingdom

Top electrical engineering schools in the US & Canada

Among the 300 universities featured in this year’selectrical engineering school rankings, 58 are claimed by the US and 14 by Canada . As well as occupying the top four positions, the US offers 23 more entries in the top 100. Within the top 50, these include the California Institute of Technology (Caltech, 8th in the QS World University Rankings® 2014/15),University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA, 37th in the world rankings), the Georgia Institute of Technology(Georgia Tech, 107th in the world rankings), Princeton University (9th in the world rankings),University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (63rd in the world rankings), University of Texas at Austin(79th in the world rankings), University of Michigan (23rd in the world rankings), Carnegie Mellon University (65th in the world rankings), Columbia University (14th in the world rankings), University of California, San Diego (UCSD, 59th in the world rankings), Purdue University (102nd in the world rankings), Cornell University (19th in the world rankings) and the University of Southern California(131st in the world rankings).

Of Canada’s 14 representatives, four make it into the world’s top 100: the University of Toronto (20thin the world rankings), McGill University (21st in the world rankings), the University of British Colombia (43rd in the world rankings) and the University of Waterloo (169th in the world rankings).
Find out about studying abroad in the US and Canada with our country guides.

Top electrical engineering schools in Europe

Taking three of the top 10 positions, the UK is the best-performing country in Europe in these electrical engineering school rankings, with 27 representatives in total. Also within the top 100 are the University of Manchester (30th in the world rankings), UCL(University College London, 5th in the world rankings), the University of Edinburgh (17th in the world rankings and the University of Southampton (94th in the world rankings).

Italy claims 12 entries in the electrical engineering ranking, including Politecnico di Torino in 36thplace (365th in the world rankings) and Politecnico di Milano in 39th (229th in the world rankings).Germany claims 11 entrants, and similarly boasts two among the world’s top 50. These areTechnische Universität München (TU Munich, 54th in the world rankings) and Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin, 192nd in the world rankings).
Up next is Spain with nine top electrical engineering universities, of which just one, the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (337th in the world rankings) is ranked within the top 100 worldwide.France meanwhile claims seven schools in the electrical engineering ranking; although none rank within the top 100, specialist engineering school Supélec comes within the 101-150 range.
Ireland, despite being its small size, offers five top electrical engineering schools. These includeUniversity College Cork (UCC, 230th in the world rankings) and University College Dublin (UCD, 139th in the world rankings), both within the top 150 worldwide.

Also with five schools featured is Sweden, includingKTH, Royal Institute of Technology in 16th place (110thin the world rankings). Sticking with Scandinavia, you’ll also find two top electrical engineering schools in both Denmark and Finland, including the Danish Aalborg University in joint 41st (363rd in the world rankings) and the Finnish Aalto University at 101-150 (187th in the world rankings).Norway meanwhile offers just representative: the Norwegian University of Science and Technologyranked 151-200 (246th in the world rankings).
Heading southwest towards the Netherlands, there are three schools featured, including Delft University of Technology in 50th place (86th in the world rankings). Belgium also offers three top schools for electrical engineering, including KU Leuven in the top 100 (82nd in the world rankings).
Each with a pair of institutions featured in the electrical engineering ranking are Austria, the Czech RepublicGreecePoland and Switzerland. While all four countries have one school within the top 200, Switzerland excels with ETH Zurich in 5th place (12th in the world rankings) and the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in 26th (17th in the world rankings).

HungaryPortugal and Russia meanwhile each have one institution featured in this ranking, of which the leading entrant is Portugal’s University of Portoat 151-200 (293rd in the world rankings).
Learn more about studying abroad in European with our comprehensive country guides.

Top electrical engineering schools in Asia

The vastest country in mainland AsiaChina offers 23 institutions featured in the electrical engineering school rankings, including six within the top 100. Of these, Tsinghua University (47th in the world rankings),Shanghai Jiao Tong University (104th in the world rankings) and Peking University (57th in the world rankings) all rank within the top 50.

South Korea has the second-highest number of top electrical engineering universities in Asia, with 13. These include KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in 22nd place (51st in the world rankings) and Seoul National University in 31st (SNU, 31st in the world rankings).
Of Japan’s 12 representatives, two are ranked in the world’s top 50 for electrical engineering: the University of Tokyo in 18th place (31st in the world rankings) and the Tokyo Institute of Technology in 30th (68th in the world rankings).The neighboring island of Taiwanmeanwhile offers 11 top electrical engineering universities, including National Taiwan University in 15th place (NTU, 76th in the world rankings) andNational Tsing Hua University in joint 41st (167th in the world rankings).

Both with eight institutions featured are Malaysia and India. In India, the Indian Institute of Scienceand the Indian Institutes of Technology in Bombay (IITB, 222nd in the world rankings), Delhi (IITD, 235th in the world rankings) and Madras (IITM, 322nd in the world rankings) are all ranked within the top 100 for electrical engineering. Meanwhile in Malaysia, Universiti Malaya (UM, 151st in the world rankings) and Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM, 309th in the world rankings) are also in the world’s top 100.
Despite its small size, Hong Kong excels in the electrical engineering school rankings with five representatives, four of which are among the world’s top 50. There are the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST, 40th in the world rankings) the University of Hong Kong (HKU, 28th in the world rankings), the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK, 46th in the world rankings) and City University of Hong Kong (108th in the world rankings).

While Thailand has four schools featured among the world’s top 300, including Chulalongkorn University (243rd in the world rankings), Singapore offers two. Both of these, NUS (22nd in the world rankings) and NTU (39th in the world rankings), are ranked within the world’s top 10 (see table above).
Lastly, both Pakistan and Indonesia have one institution each among the world’s 300 top electrical engineering schools. These are the National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) Islamabad (481-490 in the world rankings) and the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB, 461-470 in the world rankings) respectively.
See the full range of country guides to find out more about studying in Asia, or to discover more leading universities in the region, see the latest QS University Rankings: Asia.

Top electrical engineering schools in Latin America

Home to nine of the world’s top electrical engineering schools, Brazil surpasses all other Latin American countries in this ranking. Of these schools,Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp, 206thin the world rankings) is placed joint 47th and theUniversidade de São Paulo (USP, 132nd in the world rankings) is ranked 51-100.

Chile and Mexico, meanwhile, boast two top electrical engineering universities each. Chile’s leader in this field is the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (167th in the world rankings) while Mexico’s highest entrant is the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM, 175th in the world rankings).
The only other Latin American country featured in the electrical engineering school rankings isColombia, represented by the Universidad Nacional de Colombia (316th in the world rankings) in the 201-250 range.
Find out about studying in Latin America with our country guides, or explore more leading universities in the region with the latest edition of the QS University Rankings: Latin America.

Top electrical engineering schools in Australia & New Zealand

While New Zealand offers two schools in the electrical engineering school rankings, Australia boasts 15, including seven within the world’s top 100. In the top 50 are the University of Melbourne (33rd in the world rankings), Australian National University (ANU, 25th in the world), the University of New South Wales (48th in the world rankings) and the University of Sydney (37thin the world rankings).

New Zealand’s two representatives are both within the world’s top 200, and are the University of Auckland (92nd in the world rankings) and theUniversity of Canterbury (242nd in the world rankings).
Learn about studying in Australia and New Zealand with our country guides.

Top electrical engineering schools in the Middle East

Five top electrical engineering universities are claimed by Turkey, and three by Saudi Arabia. Both countries’ highest entrants are ranked in the 101-150 range; these are the Turkish Middle East Technical University(401-410 in the world rankings) and the Saudi King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM, 225th in the world rankings).

Of the two universities in Israel featured, the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology (190th in the world rankings) is the highest ranked, also at 101-150.

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